Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 5 Prompt

So this is how I feel right now.

My computer is failing me in the Middle East, moreover, the Internet here is VERY bad and VERY unreliable. Like paying 3 grand for an apartment which comes with BAD internet and cockroaches. 

So, let's get to business. Week 5 is about trusting reviews for the acquisition/recommendation at libraries. Personally, I trust reviews for personal purchases especially through Amazon, as it shows a check mark if the reviewer has made an Amazon Verified Purchase which helps with those who sabotage products for fun and ruin it for everyone else. 

About the romantic ebooks, not a fan, but as I said, I trust reviews so even though I don't read the genre, I go through reviews to make sure the perfect title is recommended to users. I trust reviews from consumers more than professional reviewers and the reason is simple, the consumers tell the truth but the professional reviewers can be purchased. From the review, it doesn't seem like this book is romantic suspense. 

About Angela's Ashes, I noticed how consistent all reviews provided are in terms of scope and quality, and I personally would add this book to the library collection based on these reviews. 

1 comment:

  1. I just have to say, I am jealous because your blog is way more awesome than mine. The GIFs are great! I need to play around with Blogspot and try to make mine more interesting.
