Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Week 13 Prompt: YA & not so YA readers

There is this horrified look on adults when they hear other adults tell them that they are reading YA or children books. Mostly it's related to self-image issues which predetermine what adults should be like and what activities are suitable for them. Regardless, there are those brave adults who despite all the scorn pick a YA book and read it in the library triumphantly.

However, as librarians we must encourage our patrons to check out YA or children books without feelings of shame or fear. The best way to do it I think is through library advertising by creating displays in the main walkways of the library rather than confining them to the YA section, so interested adults can pick up the book from the display and check it out. 

Also memes on social media break the ice and puts humor to non-humorous situations, so through advertising to adults who love YA books, more adults will also be encouraged to read the genre they love.


  1. I realize that genres are useful for categorizing, but I wish we could just recognize that fiction is fiction. A story is being told.
    I like your idea of advertising. In my post I suggest that librarians recommend particular books in displays and then also through the advertising.

  2. I agree that displays including YA and graphic novels are a great way to entice new readers.
