Thursday, April 23, 2015

Week 15 Prompt

Marketing collections in libraries is essential to increasing the circulation numbers and in-house use of items, therefore a steady budget can be maintained. Librarians nowadays are encouraged to pursue marketing courses during their MLS studies or as professional certifications. The reason is simple, if the target audience is not aware of the availability of the item, they would not come by asking for it. Given the uncertain future of libraries due to budget cuts and the Internet revolution, it is now necessary more than ever to market library collections. This article is in reference to marketing a hypothetical fiction collection using strategies and resources.

Apart from the conventional yet effective marketing method of the word of mouth, there are other ways to put the word out there for the target audience. Some of the strategies include conventional methods such as print materials to involve the digitally challenged and the skilled, meaning, QR code posters and regular print ones or a combination of both, to market the collection. There is also the importance of proper signage directing users to the collection.

But let's assume that our patrons are familiar with the location of the fiction collection within the library, yet the circulation number for the materials in this collection is really low. Perhaps our patrons need some encouragement to check out the fiction titles. One suggestion would be to place posters in the back of the doors to the stalls of the restroom with a brief synopsis to some books which could be either new release, old is gold, seasonal ...etc.

Resorting to professional marketing help is also a good option for bigger libraries. Professional marketing agents could give tips and assist with marketing through virtual and personal channels. Moreover, the library could host book club events with titles available in the fiction collection, to encourage participants to check out the copies. Other programs include book trivia, book sale and other events.

And last but not least, let's not forget the importance of social media for promoting library collections!


  1. I love the idea of putting a book poster on the bathroom stalls. That is great! Why not use the space we have to advertise.

  2. Another marketing strategy is to put posters or flyers about specific books or genres in places outside the library where people go such as grocery stores or restaurants.

  3. I researched QR codes for a class, and have been obsessed with them ever since! I would love to incorporate them into my library's collection, but I have not seen that idea discussed by anyone. I think it could lead to a lot of new information for patrons such as other formats of interest, read alike lists, discussion questions, etc.!
